Saturday, November 26, 2011

Schindler's list

When somebody beat you, you asked him why he beat you, he answered: “I beat you because you ask me why I beat you!” What would be the feeling? In Schindler’s List, there was such a scene when the Nazis persecute the Jewish. Human beings express their ugliest aspects in War. We can realize the human nature through this war genre movie.
This movie was directed by Steven Spielberg in 1993.The main actors were Liam Neeson who was an Ireland actor, and Ben Kingsley who he acted Gandhi and won Oscar in that movie. The line-up was luxury. In 1994, it won 7 Oscars, that another 68 wins & 23 nominations. It made people know that life is important, saving one life that is saving the whole world.
In World War Ⅱ at Poland, Schindler was a Germany businessman and factory owner. When he saw the Nazis killed the Jewish, he converted his mind. He started to take care about the Jewish who he used the name of his workforce. In those crazy days of slaughter, his factory had become a heaven for Jewish. He insisted on the faith that saving one life that’s saving the whole world. At last, he saved over one thousand Jewish. He printed a list of Jewish, all Jewish in the list survived. They said: “list is life, outside the list, it is deepness”.
The director, Steven Spielberg was a Jewish. Every day when he directed the film, drops of tear were flowing from his eyes. He felt too miserable that the Nazis treated the Jewish. The Jewish were treated as animals which were selected and killed randomly. During that period, Steven even refused to say a single word with the actors who wore German military uniform. In his direction, the movie eventually cost $2300. There were over 100 actors and actress, and over 30,000 extras took part in the produce.
Another main actor was Ralph Fiennes. His character was Amon Goeth, who was a German officer, regarded the Jewish as animal. He considered a worker lazy and determined to kill him, while the worker kneeled on the ground, the German officers were talking about the fault of his Pistol. Another scene, he shot Jewish workers at his balcony with a cigarette, just like in a joke game.
After seeing the movie, I felt a heavy heart. We are lucky not living in that decade, Peace is so precious and War is so terrible. Human nature is both ugly and perfect. So far, I want to write anything again except to say: the movie is excellent.

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